Friday, June 8, 2012

Make Smart Choices

In the edutopia article about helping kids make better choices they bring up some really good points. The author says that maybe the best way to let kids learn to make good choices is by practicing! I think this makes a lot of sense. If we are hovering around and constantly telling them what to do for every decision they make they will not be able to develop the skills to make good decisions themselves. Part of the issue is that some students have parents that are so involved they won’t allow their child to fail. I think we all need to remember that failure is one of the best ways to learn. You don’t really learn anything by doing something perfectly. That is probably a lesson we could all remember.

1 comment:

  1. Smart choices that in my school is none exsistence. I always say "Common sense does not prevail" and day by day my students prove me write. They are so over protected and hand held that they never fail and if they do, mom or dad makes your life miserable until you fix it.
