I read an article by @Thenerdyteacher about using open ended projects to assess learning in the classroom. He said that the reason most teachers don't use projects like this is because they feel the need to control the project because the teachers probably think this is the best way to make students learn the material. He also says that he believes that by giving them the power they actually learn more.
This really got me thinking. I tend to try to control most aspects of classroom assignments. I do this because I think my students need guidelines or they go off in their own direction which usually includes popping on their headphones and browsing Facebook on their phones. It can be a total battle to just get them focused on an assignment, let alone trying to convince them to come up with their own creative project to do in relation to the book. I wonder how it would go if I did give them that control though. I think they might actually feel a bigger sense of responsibility. Maybe if I was willing to give them that power they would step up in ways I never even imagined they would. I think the reason a lot of teachers don't give up the power in the classroom is because it's scary! What if the kids don't live up to expectations and you're left with no way to assess their learning?
Has anybody done this before? How has it worked?
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