Saturday, May 26, 2012

Facebook Money

In the article "How Does Facebook Make Money?" the author explained how advertising makes up almost all of Facebook's profits. I have been wondering how they could possibly make so much money because of the fact that it is inherently not a money making money. Much to my surprise it is almost ALL from advertising on the right hand side of the page. It doesn't seem like people would actually click on those ads but apparently they must. I wonder if this is the reason the stock didn't do as well as it was thought it would do- people thought the same thing I did.

Equal Schools?

The article "After Brown v. Board of Education" made me think about something that I have often thought about. It makes sense that all students should have the same access to materials and good teachers, and nice schools. The issue is that the school your child goes to directly correlates to the neighborhood your child lives in. This is good for people who live in nice areas and not good for people who live in bad areas. I know thank you captain obvious. To me, the separation isn't about race anymore it's about socioeconomic status. The issue is, it's not just a money thing, it's a while mindset that is different. I believe integrating lower income students into higher income schools would be beneficial to lower income students. My question which is probably unpopular is what about the higher income students? I teach in a low income neighborhood and have experienced all kinds of things students have said or done that I would not want my own child exposed to. I would be curious how being exposed to students who seem not to value their education as much would effect those students in higher income areas.*

*This is not to generalize and say all lower income students are bad students who don't care about school or all high income students are angels who take school seriously. It's just a question of how to integrate all students without negatively impacting any of them.


The Edtopia article "How to Make Consequences Count" really hit home with me. I think anybody who teaches today has to deal with student behavior. With my alternative kids I frequently have to deal with behavior issues while teaching. Sometimes my class can feel like one disturbance after another. I like his idea of the P.E.P. talk with a disruptive student which is talking to them in private with eye contact and position yourself close enough. I think this is a great idea but I'm not sure how practical it would be for my environment when I would have to stop my class many times to pull kids out for a private talk. I often call kids to my desk and talk to them quietly there, away from others.

Two other sections I found even more helpful. The idea that punishments in sequence (first detention, then parent meeting, then suspension etc.) is not helpful and takes the teacher out of the consequence makes a lot of sense.  I also think it makes sense that not everything that is fair is equal. I think that makes so much sense and it's a lesson that is sometimes difficult to teach students (and parents) :o)

Saturday, May 19, 2012


I use Twitter all the time, and I use hashtags almost every post. I think they are fun. I have my personal twitter on private so it's really only a handful of close friends who see my tweets anyway. I do have a school twitter account as well and would not use funny witty hashtags just for giggles on that account.

I read the readwriteweb article "What's the Point of: #Hashtags?" and found I agreed with it a lot. It is annoying to have people write stupid hashtags all the time. I hate when people try to get a topic trending by writing some lame hashtag with a bunch of misspelled words and text language. It just makes someone come off as less intelligent. I then think that if someone read my tweets maybe they would think my hashtags were lame too. Regardless, I think it is a really useful idea when it comes to using hashtags as a way to search for ideas or topics. I think twitter is a great place to turn to for information on all kinds of things. I use it all the time for school and it does end up being helpful when people use hashtags correctly. Besides, the young teens using hashtags in a silly way today might be the heads of companies coming up with new innovaive technology tomorrow!

Computer Programing

I have no interest in learning how to write code for computers. I think one of the great thing about the internet and computers in general is that it has only become easier to use them and they require me as the user to have less and less knowledge about the actual code necessary for me to be able to use them.

In the readwriteweb article "Computer Programming for All: A New Form of Literacy" the author writes about how important it will become for future generations to learn how to write code. He compares this to the class separation when only the most wealthy people learned how to read and write. I think this is a little extreme. I have to hire someone to fix my car too. Would it be faster and easier if I was highly skilled in fixing cars and could do it myself? Yes, not to mention cheaper, but that is not something I am interested in or choose to learn.

Kids will learn all kinds of stuff when they go to school and maybe they will learn to write code, but I don't think this is something that every kids will learn how to do alongside reading. I think the inherent growth of the internet and computers shows is how unnecessary it is. I can write this blog with no knowledge of code. That is partially why blogs are so popular. If I needed to know code in order to write it I wouldn't have gone into this type of masters program. Obviously this is just my opinion but I will be very interested to see how this idea progresses as computers do. It is easy to see we are only becoming a more technological world.

Student Relationships

The Edutopia article "Fostering Relationships in the Classroom" gives some good ideas for how to create good relationships in the classroom between the teachers and students. I think this is a really important aspect of teaching that I didn't really think about until I was actually in the classroom. The relationship you have with students obviously needs to be professional but it also has to be positive. I have had experiences where students don't like the rules in my classroom or feel like I'm being too strict. I think if a student knows you care about them and their education they will be more likely to go along with the rules and realize that you are doing things for a reason. I think this may be a bigger deal in the environment I teach in but I believe it would be important in any room.

In the article they provide several good tasks that would be great for icebreakers at the beginning of the year or as a way to break up the class. I think in order to get the class to act as a team it is important for them to have time to do team building activities. If they view each other as teammates they will be less likely to bully each other and more likely to support each other.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Student Engagement

The article "Kids Speak Out on Student Engagement" had a lot of the things I would have expected kids to want in their classroom. They talked about group work and using technology. They also want to see that you're passionate about the subject and that you can connect it to their lives. Something that I wasn't necessarily surprised to find but which seems to be making a recurrent appearance on all of my feeds lately is project based learning.

Kids seem to be very interested in project based learning. The new testing seems to be moving toward a more project based interactive evaluation instead of the go to multiple choice test. I think this is a great shift to make, but I think it will also be a tough one. I think it will be scary to jump off the edge of doing things the way we always traditionally have. I think it will be even harder because I am a department of one so I don't have the ability to work with other teachers going through the same thing in their classrooms and bounce things off each other. I think this is another way for me to connect on the internet. I think I will try to find some places online where I can collaborate with other teachers and make it my goal to have at least one of my four classes start off the new year using a project based learning approach.

Power Trip

I read an article by @Thenerdyteacher about using open ended projects to assess learning in the classroom. He said that the reason most teachers don't use projects like this is because they feel the need to control the project because the teachers probably think this is the best way to make students learn the material. He also says that he believes that by giving them the power they actually learn more.

This really got me thinking. I tend to try to control most aspects of classroom assignments. I do this because I think my students need guidelines or they go off in their own direction which usually includes popping on their headphones and browsing Facebook on their phones. It can be a total battle to just get them focused on an assignment, let alone trying to convince them to come up with their own creative project to do in relation to the book. I wonder how it would go if I did give them that control though. I think they might actually feel a bigger sense of responsibility. Maybe if I was willing to give them that power they would step up in ways I never even imagined they would. I think the reason a lot of teachers don't give up the power in the classroom is because it's scary! What if the kids don't live up to expectations and you're left with no way to assess their learning?

Has anybody done this before? How has it worked?

Twitter in the Classroom

I read the 7 Things You Should Know About Twitter and was pretty disappointed. I thought the fact that the article was citing numbers from 2006 and 2007 showed how outdated it was. While 5 years isn't that long ago the use of Twitter in the last 5 years has skyrocketed. That being said it did get me thinking about Twitter. I think using Twitter is a great thing. I use it all the time in my personal life and have recently opened a public account for use with my classes. The reason I decided to open one was because I noticed that in the past year or so my students have totally gotten into twitter. They love to scrawl FMOT (follow me on twitter) with their twitter names on my board. I am constantly erasing them. Then it finally clicked that it would be a great way to stay connected with students and leave posts about stuff that is happening in class, assignments, quotes, or other things.

Another reason I use Twitter professionally is to follow other teachers to get ideas. I follow @thenerdyteacher and find that his posts are incredibly inspiring. I followed his blog as part of my rss feed and have found a ton of great resources that I am able to bookmark using my delicious account. He also started a real time Great Gatsby which my class is currently reading. It is really funny for the students to follow along and it is a good tool to use for extension of the novel.

I love that all these new technologies I am being introduced to are really starting to work together. I think this is a class that I will actually be able to use. I know I am able to take a couple things from all of my Masters classes but this class seems like it is transforming my online presence and I'm excited to have that happen!